There are plenty of burglars who want to invade your properties. They often go through dark, unattended, and unsecured places. To avoid burglars, you should cut their opportunity to access your premises. Here are the prevention tips to help you stay safe and highly protected even when you’re away with your assets:
Install deadbolt lock
It is the most secure lock since it has a special locking device placed into the bolt and can only be opened using a key or handle thus intercepting unauthorized entry. Ensure to lock your doors every time you leave your premises, even just a couple of minutes.
Establish solid doors and windows
Install doors made of metal or hardwood and use thick window glass with metal support. Use sturdy door and window frames. For the door, use longer screws to firmly attach the locks while for windows, place nails outside the frame to secure them.
Apply alarm system
It is very effective to prevent burglary particularly when you leave your home or building for vacation, it could give you peace of mind. Just remember to test your alarm system regularly, activate them to be useful, and never place a sticker signifying that your property has an alarm system.
Leave lights on when you go
Leave your lights on when you are going somewhere. Put lights near doors that can also light up your windows. You can use automatic lights that turn when it’s dark or at night and turn off during daylight. But when you leave your property, ensure to run down your curtains or blinds.
Ask your trusted neighbor to watch your property
Call for the help of your neighbors when you are going to leave your property particularly when it takes days. Ask them to observe if any unfamiliar person gets into your premises and call the police if they find a suspicious culprit.
Don’t post to social media about your trip
Usually, people post to social media about their activities and trips but preferably avoid doing it. People around you who have an interest in breaking into your property will be easily notified and take the opportunity.
Our professional locksmiths helped numerous burglary victims and they fully understand the misery that burglars can bring. Therefore, whenever you need emergency locksmith and security services, call 24/7 Quick Locksmith.